As I sat in the kitchen today attempting to call my mom and needing an urgent answer to a baking question, my host mom was laughing at me as I explained that she is probably working. I said if I dont bake this afternoon, what will I do today? She replied, sleep?
But really, I am working, I promise. Every moment of every day (besides the time that I sleep). Though school has ended and life has calmed down, every time I sit outside of the neighbors house or go to a family party I am working. Last night I chatted with my host grandpa who told me about his life, sang songs and played guitar for me and taught me some cords. I even played a little tune on his childs size violin! And I was working.
It is hard for us so with a workaholic culture so ingrained in our lives to slow down and appreciate these moments and realize this is also part of what Peace Corps service is all about. These first few months are meant to spend integrating into the community, my host family, and Nicaraguan culture. Therefore, frying rice, receiving a washing lesson from my host mother, drinking beer with a bunch of women outside of someones house, and dancing even though I feel silly while everyone watches is all a part of the job description.
Current volunteers recently shared many pieces of advice with us for a successful service. One thing they all had in common was in telling us to accept every invitation. Youre invited to someones wedding though you dont know them? Just go. Your family goes across the street to chat though you just want to watch a movie and be alone? Just go. Your host grandpa invites you to milk a cow some day at 4am? Just say yes.
Saying yes to these invitations and enjoying these moments have allowed me to get to know my community and neighborhood even better. I am now excited to spend Christmas Eve eating and dancing with the extended family due to these experiences. Since I cant play in the snow and participate in Christmas traditions with my family back home, this is the next best thing. Happy Holidays to all!
Merry Christmas Morgan!